Microsoft 365 Engineer Contracts

Microsoft 365 Engineer (M365 Engineer)

The median Microsoft 365 Engineer (M365 Engineer) daily rate in the UK is £450, according to job vacancies posted in the 6 months leading up to 4 January 2025.

The table below provides contractor rate benchmarking and summary statistics, comparing them to the same period in the previous two years.

6 months to
4 Jan 2025
Same period 2024 Same period 2023
Rank 421 486 598
Rank change year-on-year +65 +112 +62
Contract jobs requiring a Microsoft 365 Engineer 113 110 174
As % of all contract jobs advertised in the UK 0.35% 0.26% 0.24%
As % of the Job Titles category 0.38% 0.27% 0.26%
Number of daily rates quoted 77 88 137
10th Percentile £154 £158 £228
25th Percentile £250 £250 £263
Median daily rate (50th Percentile) £450 £400 £350
Median % change year-on-year +12.50% +14.29% -6.67%
75th Percentile £538 £518 £488
90th Percentile £626 £658 £538
UK excluding London median daily rate £425 £388 £350
% change year-on-year +9.68% +10.71% +11.11%
Number of hourly rates quoted 0 0 1
10th Percentile - - -
25th Percentile - - £24.75
Median hourly rate - - £25.50
75th Percentile - - £26.25
90th Percentile - - -
UK excluding London median hourly rate - - £25.50

All Contract IT Job Vacancies

For comparison with the information above, the following table provides summary statistics for all contract IT job vacancies. Most job vacancies include a discernible job title that can be normalized. As such, the figures in the second row provide an indication of the number of contract jobs in our overall sample.

Contract vacancies in the UK with a recognized job title 30,023 40,140 68,105
% of contract IT jobs with a recognized job title 92.64% 93.34% 94.98%
Number of daily rates quoted 18,370 26,864 47,433
10th Percentile £291 £281 £313
25th Percentile £409 £413 £425
Median daily rate (50th Percentile) £525 £525 £550
Median % change year-on-year - -4.55% +6.80%
75th Percentile £638 £638 £650
90th Percentile £738 £738 £750
UK excluding London median daily rate £480 £500 £500
% change year-on-year -4.00% - +11.11%
Number of hourly rates quoted 935 1,589 1,637
10th Percentile £15.51 £14.18 £13.41
25th Percentile £21.05 £19.06 £17.25
Median hourly rate £32.50 £44.50 £32.50
Median % change year-on-year -26.97% +36.92% +58.54%
75th Percentile £62.50 £65.00 £64.50
90th Percentile £73.75 £76.53 £72.10
UK excluding London median hourly rate £31.50 £45.00 £26.00
% change year-on-year -30.00% +73.08% +47.14%

Microsoft 365 Engineer
Job Vacancy Trend

Job postings that featured Microsoft 365 Engineer in the job title as a proportion of all IT jobs advertised.

Job vacancy trend for Microsoft 365 Engineer in the UK

Microsoft 365 Engineer
Contractor Daily Rate Trend

3-month moving average daily rate quoted in jobs citing Microsoft 365 Engineer.

Daily rate trend for Microsoft 365 Engineer in the UK

Microsoft 365 Engineer
Daily Rate Histogram

Daily rate distribution for jobs citing Microsoft 365 Engineer over the 6 months to 4 January 2025.

Daily rate histogram for Microsoft 365 Engineer in the UK

Microsoft 365 Engineer
Contractor Hourly Rate Trend

3-month moving average hourly rates quoted in jobs citing Microsoft 365 Engineer.

Hourly rate trend for Microsoft 365 Engineer in the UK

Microsoft 365 Engineer
Top 14 Contract Locations

The table below looks at the demand and provides a guide to the median contractor rates quoted in IT jobs citing Microsoft 365 Engineer within the UK over the 6 months to 4 January 2025. The 'Rank Change' column provides an indication of the change in demand within each location based on the same 6 month period last year.

Location Rank Change
on Same Period
Last Year
IT Job Ads
Daily Rate
Past 6 Months
Median Daily Rate
% Change
on Same Period
Last Year
England +66 104 £475 +18.75% 16
London +41 60 £475 +22.58% 4
UK excluding London +57 51 £425 +9.68% 10
Work from Home +62 35 £450 - 7
South West +28 17 £450 -25.00% 2
North of England +34 15 £438 +9.38% 4
North West +31 15 £438 - 1
South East +30 9 £483 +7.39% 4
Scotland +31 5 £148 -74.26%
Northern Ireland +1 3 £148 -35.65%
Midlands 0 3 £510 +36.00%
East of England +26 2 £255 -32.00%
West Midlands +4 2 £471 +25.49%
East Midlands +7 1 £510 +137.21%

Microsoft 365 Engineer Skill Set
Top 30 Co-occurring Skills and Capabilities

For the 6 months to 4 January 2025, Microsoft 365 Engineer contract job roles required the following skills and capabilities in order of popularity. The figures indicate the absolute number co-occurrences and as a proportion of all contract job ads featuring Microsoft 365 Engineer in the job title.

1 112 (99.12%) Microsoft 365
2 93 (82.30%) Microsoft
3 81 (71.68%) Azure
4 76 (67.26%) SharePoint
5 75 (66.37%) Microsoft Exchange
6 58 (51.33%) Active Directory
6 58 (51.33%) Entra ID
7 56 (49.56%) Microsoft Intune
7 56 (49.56%) PowerShell
8 48 (42.48%) OneDrive
9 41 (36.28%) Security Cleared
10 36 (31.86%) Power Platform
11 32 (28.32%) Public Sector
12 31 (27.43%) Windows
13 30 (26.55%) Social Skills
14 29 (25.66%) Task Automation
14 29 (25.66%) Problem-Solving
15 26 (23.01%) DV Cleared
16 25 (22.12%) Microsoft Office
17 24 (21.24%) Finance
17 24 (21.24%) Migration
18 23 (20.35%) Cloud Security
19 21 (18.58%) Degree
20 20 (17.70%) Service Delivery
21 19 (16.81%) Mentoring
21 19 (16.81%) High Availability
21 19 (16.81%) Application Security
22 18 (15.93%) Windows 10
22 18 (15.93%) Power Automate
23 17 (15.04%) Translating Business Requirements

Microsoft 365 Engineer Skill Set
Co-occurring Skills and Capabilities by Category

The follow tables expand on the table above by listing co-occurrences grouped by category. The same employment type, locality and period is covered with up to 20 co-occurrences shown in each of the following categories:

Application Platforms
1 76 (67.26%) SharePoint
2 75 (66.37%) Microsoft Exchange
3 3 (2.65%) Skype for Business
4 2 (1.77%) Confluence
5 1 (0.88%) Exchange Server 2010
5 1 (0.88%) IBM Notes
1 25 (22.12%) Microsoft Office
2 1 (0.88%) 1Password
2 1 (0.88%) InfoPath
2 1 (0.88%) Microsoft Excel
2 1 (0.88%) Microsoft PowerPoint
Cloud Services
1 112 (99.12%) Microsoft 365
2 81 (71.68%) Azure
3 58 (51.33%) Entra ID
4 48 (42.48%) OneDrive
5 36 (31.86%) Power Platform
6 18 (15.93%) Power Automate
7 11 (9.73%) Google Workspace
7 11 (9.73%) Microsoft Purview
7 11 (9.73%) SaaS
8 5 (4.42%) IaaS
9 4 (3.54%) Azure ExpressRoute
9 4 (3.54%) PaaS
9 4 (3.54%) Yammer
10 2 (1.77%) Azure DevOps
10 2 (1.77%) Mimecast
11 1 (0.88%) Adobe Creative Cloud
11 1 (0.88%) AWS
11 1 (0.88%) AWS CloudFormation
11 1 (0.88%) GCP
11 1 (0.88%) Slack
Communications & Networking
1 15 (13.27%) Network Security
2 10 (8.85%) Firewall
3 8 (7.08%) DNS
4 6 (5.31%) DHCP
4 6 (5.31%) Skype
5 4 (3.54%) VPN
6 3 (2.65%) Wi-Fi
7 2 (1.77%) 4G
7 2 (1.77%) LAN
7 2 (1.77%) SAN
8 1 (0.88%) Cisco IOS
8 1 (0.88%) FTP
8 1 (0.88%) HTTP
8 1 (0.88%) Internet
8 1 (0.88%) Remote Desktop
8 1 (0.88%) VoIP
8 1 (0.88%) WAN
8 1 (0.88%) Wireless
Database & Business Intelligence
1 8 (7.08%) SQL Server
2 5 (4.42%) Power BI
3 4 (3.54%) SQL Server Reporting Services
4 3 (2.65%) NonStop SQL
5 1 (0.88%) Tableau
Development Applications
1 2 (1.77%) JIRA
1 32 (28.32%) Public Sector
2 30 (26.55%) Social Skills
3 24 (21.24%) Finance
4 11 (9.73%) Analytical Skills
5 10 (8.85%) Legal
6 9 (7.96%) Manufacturing
6 9 (7.96%) Marketing
6 9 (7.96%) Telecoms
7 8 (7.08%) Electronics
7 8 (7.08%) Military
8 5 (4.42%) Banking
9 4 (3.54%) Inclusion and Diversity
10 3 (2.65%) Documentation Skills
11 2 (1.77%) French Language
11 2 (1.77%) German Language
11 2 (1.77%) Italian Language
12 1 (0.88%) Automotive
12 1 (0.88%) Financial Institution
12 1 (0.88%) Investment Banking
Libraries, Frameworks & Software Standards
1 5 (4.42%) Microsoft Graph
2 4 (3.54%) Web Services
3 2 (1.77%) .NET
4 1 (0.88%) COM
4 1 (0.88%) HTML
4 1 (0.88%) HTML5
1 12 (10.62%) Onboarding
2 7 (6.19%) BYOD
2 7 (6.19%) Microsoft Licensing
3 6 (5.31%) Enterprise Software
4 4 (3.54%) Social Media
5 3 (2.65%) Management Information System
6 2 (1.77%) Blackberry
6 2 (1.77%) CCTV
6 2 (1.77%) Data Centre
6 2 (1.77%) iPhone
6 2 (1.77%) Video Conferencing
7 1 (0.88%) Greenfield Project
7 1 (0.88%) iPad
7 1 (0.88%) Mobile App
7 1 (0.88%) Product Ownership
Operating Systems
1 31 (27.43%) Windows
2 18 (15.93%) Windows 10
3 8 (7.08%) Windows Server
4 5 (4.42%) Windows 7
5 3 (2.65%) Android
5 3 (2.65%) VMS
6 2 (1.77%) Mac OS
7 1 (0.88%) Apple iOS
7 1 (0.88%) Windows Server 2016
7 1 (0.88%) Windows Server 2019
Processes & Methodologies
1 29 (25.66%) Problem-Solving
1 29 (25.66%) Task Automation
2 24 (21.24%) Migration
3 23 (20.35%) Cloud Security
4 20 (17.70%) Service Delivery
5 19 (16.81%) Application Security
5 19 (16.81%) High Availability
5 19 (16.81%) Mentoring
6 17 (15.04%) Translating Business Requirements
7 16 (14.16%) Infrastructure Engineering
8 14 (12.39%) Collaborative Working
9 11 (9.73%) Business Intelligence
10 10 (8.85%) Multi-Factor Authentication
11 9 (7.96%) E-Discovery
12 8 (7.08%) Agile
12 8 (7.08%) DevOps
12 8 (7.08%) Digital Marketing
12 8 (7.08%) ITIL
12 8 (7.08%) Programme Management
12 8 (7.08%) Time Management
Programming Languages
1 56 (49.56%) PowerShell
2 4 (3.54%) SQL
3 1 (0.88%) JavaScript
3 1 (0.88%) Python
1 41 (36.28%) Security Cleared
2 26 (23.01%) DV Cleared
3 21 (18.58%) Degree
4 14 (12.39%) SC Cleared
5 7 (6.19%) Microsoft Certification
6 5 (4.42%) Azure Certification
7 1 (0.88%) Computer Science Degree
Quality Assurance & Compliance
1 6 (5.31%) QA
2 3 (2.65%) Data Quality
3 2 (1.77%) SLA
4 1 (0.88%) Cyber Essentials
4 1 (0.88%) ISO/IEC 27001
System Software
1 58 (51.33%) Active Directory
2 2 (1.77%) VMware Infrastructure
3 1 (0.88%) Hyper-V
3 1 (0.88%) Virtual Desktop
3 1 (0.88%) VMware ESXi
3 1 (0.88%) XenDesktop
Systems Management
1 56 (49.56%) Microsoft Intune
2 6 (5.31%) Single Sign-On
3 5 (4.42%) SCCM
4 4 (3.54%) Active Directory Federation Services
5 3 (2.65%) WSUS
6 2 (1.77%) Forefront Identity Manager
7 1 (0.88%) FortiGate
7 1 (0.88%) PingFederate
7 1 (0.88%) Terraform
1 93 (82.30%) Microsoft
2 12 (10.62%) Google
3 8 (7.08%) SAP
4 7 (6.19%) VMware
5 6 (5.31%) Citrix
6 4 (3.54%) HP
7 3 (2.65%) Cisco
7 3 (2.65%) ServiceNow
8 2 (1.77%) Canon
8 2 (1.77%) Computacenter
8 2 (1.77%) Meraki
8 2 (1.77%) QAD
9 1 (0.88%) Adobe
9 1 (0.88%) Apple
9 1 (0.88%) Barracuda Networks
9 1 (0.88%) Dell
9 1 (0.88%) Freshdesk
9 1 (0.88%) Lotus
9 1 (0.88%) Oracle
9 1 (0.88%) Veeam